Researching House History - Part 6
In Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 we walked through the process of researching your house's history, using readily available...
Intensive Level Survey Report Submitted
Another part of the nomination process is researching the history of some representative Laurelhurst houses and preparing an Intensive...

Final Draft Laurelhurst Nomination Complete
The neighborhood's consultant, with the help of many neighborhood volunteers as well as students from the University of Oregon's Historic...

Researching House History - Part 5
In Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 we determined when our example house was built and by whom, found historical maps and photos...

Researching House History- Part 4
In Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 we determined when our example house was built and by whom, found historical maps and photos documenting...

Researching House History - Part 3
In Part 1 we located the original plumbing card for our example house, which confirms the date of construction and the initial owner. In...

Researching House History - Part 2
In Part 1, we found the original plumbing card for our example house. Now let's find the house in historical maps and photos. This can...

Researching House History - Part 1
In recent months, an intrepid crew of Laurelhurst neighbors have been researching the history of a dozen Laurelhurst houses, for the...