Good News and Bad News on Re-Zoning Bills
There is good news and bad news on the flurry of state re-zoning bills that could affect Laurelhurst. Good news first. HB2558 would have...

City Wants To Allow Demolitions of Laurelhurst's Historic Houses
This is an alert and call to action. The city's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is moving forward with its "Historic Code Revision...
What A Historic District Will Mean For Laurelhurst - Part 2
In Part 1, we saw that in a Laurelhurst National Register Historic District: Contributing houses will be protected by demolition review...

The Next Demolition In Laurelhurst (Again)
The last time we wrote about a demolition in Laurelhurst, it was a 1921 bungalow bulldozed for a 34 foot tall, 4,900 sq ft luxury duplex....

City Confirms Demolition Review, No Design Review In A Laurelhurst National Register Historic Distri
The City of Portland has posted about the possible Laurelhurst Historic District here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/695546...

What A Historic District Will Mean For Laurelhurst - Part 1
With the Nomination submitted and headed for SACHP review in October, let's review what a historic district will mean for Laurelhurst. If...

Gentle Density Through ADUs
We've written about "density without demolition". This means adding housing to a neighborhood without tearing down the existing houses....

The Latest Demolition In Laurelhurst
Two weeks ago, we wrote about The Next Demolition In Laurelhurst. On Thursday, the heavy equipment arrived. It took less than a day to...

The Next Demolition In Laurelhurst
Did you know that the historical Laurelhurst neighborhood extended west of 32nd, to the two blocks bounded by 31st, 32nd, Oregon, and...

How Historic Districts Allow Density Without Demolition: Two Videos.
Portland is growing and our city needs more housing. Does that mean our city should let developers demolish our historic neighborhoods? ...