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    "Historic Laurelhurst" Lawn Signs!

    We have lawn signs!

    Lawn signs show our pride in our neighborhood, demonstrate our support for the Historic District, and let our our neighbors know about the historic district petition effort.

    To request a lawn sign, send us an email or contact your quad leader. We will place a lawn sign in your front yard.

    If you would like to make a $5 or $10 donation to fund more signs and the historic district effort, please visit the DONATE page. The Historic Laurelhurst effort, including this website, are entirely a grassroots effort of Laurelhurst neighbors like you and us.

    Have you seen a Historic Laurelhurst sign in a cool place - perched high in a tree, or proudly standing in a field of flowers? Email us a photo at!


      © 2017 by Historic Laurelhurst


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