Are Only The "Bad" Houses Demolished?
Have you heard people say "only bad, dilapidated, eyesore houses get demolished"? Here's a house that will be demolished soon, in...

The Next Demolition In Laurelhurst (Again)
The last time we wrote about a demolition in Laurelhurst, it was a 1921 bungalow bulldozed for a 34 foot tall, 4,900 sq ft luxury duplex....

Slides And Notes From August 30 SHPO and City Meeting
On August 30, the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) held a...

City Confirms Demolition Review, No Design Review In A Laurelhurst National Register Historic Distri
The City of Portland has posted about the possible Laurelhurst Historic District here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/695546...

Laurelhurst Nomination Posted On SHPO Site
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has posted the Laurelhurst nomination documents to its website. Click the image above to go...

What A Historic District Will Mean For Laurelhurst - Part 1
With the Nomination submitted and headed for SACHP review in October, let's review what a historic district will mean for Laurelhurst. If...
Historic District Nomination Submitted, Here's The Next Steps
The Laurelhurst Historic District Nomination and supporting pages have been completed and submitted. So has the Survey Data and the...

Researching House History - Part 6
In Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 we walked through the process of researching your house's history, using readily available...
Intensive Level Survey Report Submitted
Another part of the nomination process is researching the history of some representative Laurelhurst houses and preparing an Intensive...

Final Draft Laurelhurst Nomination Complete
The neighborhood's consultant, with the help of many neighborhood volunteers as well as students from the University of Oregon's Historic...