Historic Code Hearings on Nov 3
Next Wednesday, Nov. 3, Portland’s City Council will consider the Historic Resources Code Project (HRCP), a proposal that will change the...

The Carbon Cost Of Demolition
ECONorthwest and Restore Oregon shared with us their recent study: "Understanding the Carbon Cost of Demolition". The link is to the...

Birth and History of the Laurelhurst Club: 1912 to 2020.
In 1912, Laurelhurst neighbors formed a neighborhood "club" for the benefit of the fledging Laurelhurst community. Meeting in members'...

Good News and Bad News on Re-Zoning Bills
There is good news and bad news on the flurry of state re-zoning bills that could affect Laurelhurst. Good news first. HB2558 would have...

City Wants To Allow Demolitions of Laurelhurst's Historic Houses
This is an alert and call to action. The city's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is moving forward with its "Historic Code Revision...

Mann House Project Update
We have some more images from the Mann House project design, that is currently under review by the Historic Landmarks Commission. This...

Latest On The Mann House Project
Last year, we wrote about the Innovative Housing Inc plans to save the historic Mann House and adopt it for affordable housing. The...

Young Laurelhurst And The Spanish Flu
About a century ago, when Laurelhurst was but a sapling, a global pandemic came to Portland. Much of what we are seeing today, from...

A Walking Tour of Laurelhurst
Would you like to learn more - a lot more - about the history, events, origins, and personalities of the early years of Laurelhurst? How...

Laurelhurst's Historic Mann House Will Be Saved
In 1909, several wealthy and civic-minded Portland families decided to build a gracious residence for older Portlanders. The project was...